The Importance of Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets

Presentation by
Dr. Jesus P. Estanislao currently heads two organizations committed to governance reforms: the Institute of Corporate Directors and the Institute for Solidarity in Asia. He served as Chair of the President’s …

The debate concerning corporate governance in developing countries often focuses on whether global principles of corporate governance, formulated in Europe and influenced by the United States, could and should apply to other parts of the world. As the evidence shows, there really is no geographic difference when it comes to these principles: their applicability is universal. Transparency, accountability, fairness, and responsibility – these are the principles that businesses everywhere, and especially in emerging markets, must heed in order to prosper and grow sustainably. The challenge is to increase awareness of the need for good corporate governance among policymakers and enterprises worldwide so that their respective countries can benefit from well-governed economies and better business environment.


Transcript available in English